Royal Rangers Northeast Ohio Section

District Spring Trace, 4 - 6 May 2007

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Outpost 61 (Burton A/G)
Dave Sturgill "Bear with Many Cubs" sells leather goods.

Outpost 66 (Painesville A/G)
Outpost 276 (Willow Praise)

Curing the iron cookware.
Outpost 90 (Rock of Grace)

Tom stokes the fire.
Standing at left...1st Vice President Tim "Gator" Lainhart chats with Bourgeois Billy Powell.

Outpost 91 (Lakeshore A/G).
On the black power firing line.

Simple accomodations.
Practicing knife and hawk throws.

A pretty good stick.
John "Lone Buck" Oros retrieves his knife.

The "Wolfpack" patrol of candidates with Pastor Joe Winters (center) who was selected as patrol Missionary.
The new FCF members from the Northeast Section.

All material copyright © 2009 Royal Rangers Northeast Ohio Section

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