Outpost 61 (Burton A/G) |
Dave Sturgill "Bear with Many Cubs" sells leather goods. |
Outpost 66 (Painesville A/G) |
Outpost 276 (Willow Praise) |
Curing the iron cookware. |
Outpost 90 (Rock of Grace) |
Tom stokes the fire. |
Standing at left...1st Vice President Tim "Gator" Lainhart chats with Bourgeois Billy Powell. |
Outpost 91 (Lakeshore A/G). |
On the black power firing line. |
Simple accomodations. |
Practicing knife and hawk throws. |
A pretty good stick. |
John "Lone Buck" Oros retrieves his knife. |
The "Wolfpack" patrol of candidates with Pastor Joe Winters (center) who was selected as patrol Missionary. |
The new FCF members from the Northeast Section. |