Royal Rangers Northeast Ohio Section

Sectional Pow Wow, August 4 to 6, 2006

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Friday evening: Ian, Kyle, and Staton chill at the OP91 campsite.
Joe and Kevin eating dinner...

...while Commander J.D. Bedford guards the camp entrance.
Saturday morning dawns over Ed's south pond.

Commander Jeff Laird leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commander John Oros gives the morning devotional.

The Northeast Section stands in formation.
The firecraft site is ready for the day's competition.

The first firecraft competitor almost has the string burnt through.

On the archery range.
Many arrows find their mark.

On the BB gun range.
The entrance to the OP66 campsite.

The Expedition Rangers made camp across the north pond.
Ian and Kyle of OP91 cool off.

Staton and Joe cool off too.
Ian and Kyle canoe on the north pond.

Joe and Staton move well enough to leave a wake.
The section starts to assemble for the council fire.

Pastor Patrick Robinson of Burton A/G (center) gave the evening's message.
Commander John Oros lights the council fire.

Several guests had dinner with us and stayed for worship time.
Sunday morning at the awards ceremony.

Prizes for the winners were donated by several retailers.
Commander Lanny Tricker gives his testimony.

The winning patrol of the combined competition, from OP68. Left to right is Andrew Vance, Joseph Stefano, Andrew Evans, Matt Helm.
Outpost 91 just before they hit the road.

All material copyright © 2009 Royal Rangers Northeast Ohio Section

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